CIRCULATION OF Draft ByLaw and Suggestions for Amendment.
- Draft ByLaws are being circulated along with notice for AGM. All members are requested to study the same and may suggest improvements, if any.
- Members are requested to follow the following procedure for any suggested ammendment for smooth conduct of all activities when the ByLaw is taken up in the AGM.
- The Draft ByLaws will be dicussed, followed by voting in the following manner.
- Voting for change of Name of the Association.
- Voting for Amendments of draft before adoption
3.Amendment of name of the Association: Change of Name of our association from OBA is desirable as the School has become a Co-ed institution. Two names have already been suggested in the draft and will be put to vote. If there be any other suggestions , they may be sent to the President ,by email, at least 30 days before the AGM. The Suject Heading of the email should be CHANGE OF NAME OF OBA, for easy identification.
4.Suggestions for Amendment of Draft ByLaws: All suggestions for improvement to the Draft will be welcome, provided they are received at least 30 days before the AGM. This is necessary as they have to be compiled and circulated to all members, well before the AGM. Suggestions may be discarded unless they are received in the following format.
- Subject line of email: Amendment of ByLaw .
- Content of email: The
Suggested amendment must be written clearly as under and in the format below:-
- Name, S No, Batch of proposer .
- Clause Number of the draft ByLaw (for which amendment is suggested)
- Change required ie ammendment, addtion or deletion of clause.
- Clause to be reproduced in full as in draft.
- Suggested amendment in full. (Please underline the words to be changed, if some words are to be changed, for ease of understanding by all.)
- If new clause is to be added, please add new clause number, depending on where it is to be inserted and there after please type the suggested clause that needs to be inserted.
- Reasons/ arguments for change.
- For deletion of any clause, please give clause no, followed by clause in full and reasons in favour of deletion.
- All are requested to follow the exact formats ,given above, so that it becomes easy for compiling all points and circulation to all members. Please note that we have no secretarial support and hence we must follow the given format and make the task easy. This will also help in faster conduct during the AGM.
6.Late receipt of points cannot be accepted due to constraints of time. Suggestions which do not confirm to the above format is likely be discarded.